Support my work
Within all my projects, I intend doing for the greater good. Upliftment, empowerment and positivity I to keep central throughout my meditations, mentoring, documentaries and songs. Though, still in the starting phase of all, it has not been generating an income.
It would be hugely supportive when people who love my work (like you?) will, besides supporting me by liking and sharing my work, would also financially support me. With this support (this will also be a huge motivator!) I can create more of the work that I already do.
I choose for Patreon to help me to raise funds for my projects. Click here to head straight over to the Patreon Sponsor Page or continue reading below and find out a little more...
Empowering Stories
Short Documentary Series "Capetonian Characters"
Coming from Holland it was a huge eye-opener to witness and take in Cape Town incredible beauty but also deep layers of pain and inequality. The scenic landscapes home to a diverse and complex nation of beautiful humans. I felt drawn and connected to their stories, hearing how they lived and found happiness and hope throughout the hardship. Through my work as a Social Worker in Cape Town I had the opportunity to meet many of these special humans and share moments of realness in the life journey. They inspired me to create a way to share their stories, their voices, with the world, connecting us all to our humanness and heart.
In June 2019, their stories inspired me to start my first own, fully filmed, edited and funded short documentary series, called Capetonian Characters. I hope you feel empowered by their stories and feel more than ever grateful for the life that you live. By becoming my Patreon Sponser, you will give more Capetonian Characters a chance to share their story (plus you'll receive some special extra's yourself!)
Here you can find my Empowering Documentaries
Mindshift Meditations
Powerful meditations for a happier life
Having lived in South Africa for over 3 years, I can see that life can be incredibly tough and unfair. Though, I strongly believe we have big control over this and to make positive change happen through our powerful mind. "Change the way you look at things, and the way you look changes"
Within all my meditations, I focus on changing your energy to the positive, so you may attract a happier and more positive self. If you like me to create more of these meditations -plus receive some special extra's-, become a Patreon Sponsor!
Click here to find my Mindshift Meditations
Spirit Songs
Listen and feel uplifted by my positive & motivational songs
I can’t remember ever not singing. Actually never under the shower, but definitely out loud in the car, in the kitchen cooking supper (often not realizing I was singing and all my housemates could listen along) and at the high school musical. But whenever I started to write a song, I couldn’t get much further than the first sentence. No joke.
But then there was, that word “Sibuya”. I was canoeing in Eastern Cape, South Africa, when I read this word. Someone told me it meant we will return and that inspired me to write my first song. Ironically, this became the song Self Love and was followed by the song Sibuya. Don’t ask me how. But either way, my writing, composing, singing and harmonica playing hasn't stopped since. Now I've created over 10 spirit songs with my partner Tristan on guitar and I wish them to empower you and lift you up. If you wish to hear more of them and support my recordings in a professional studio (and receive other special extra's) become my Patreon Sponsor!
Click here to find my Spirit Songs
As you can probably notice, the focus of my projects is to empower and inspire you, to be your best and smiliest self! If you like to see more of this happening, consider supporting me in continuing my uplifting projects and proudly become an Anouk Anansi Patreon Sponsor. Check out the special Triers/sponsor kits I made especially for you ♥
With love and gratitude
Anouk Anansi